Platforms /TaskFlowTask Flow1. What does the platform support in terms of study flow logic, instructions, debriefing, and early termination?PlatformSupports control of study flow logicProvides instructionsProvides debriefingSupports early terminationAmazon...
< Wiki style examples | Documentation Index | Page directives >visitors (intermediate)Access keys (See also Wikipedia:access keys) are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse click. They are part of markup that may exist on any webpage....
Recent Changes – Search: MainIssuesPlatformsExamplesResourcesFAQTask ForcePlatforms Platform Descriptions Hardware and Calibration Task Flow Capacity and Capabilities Data Handling and Storage Scheduling and Payments Identifiable Information Handling Developers,...
PP Remote Testing Wiki | Platforms / RecentChangesPlatforms /RecentChangesPlatforms . . . January 26, 2021, at 06:28 PM by Sebastian Waz: Add Ibex Farm to platform listCapacityAndCapabilities . . . November 14, 2020, at 02:44 PM by...
The Task Force has developed on online survey tool intended to gather information about the capabilities of various remote-testing platforms in a systematic way. This platform survey was used to populate the comparison tables available in the Platforms section of this...