PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / Documentation IndexPmWiki /Documentation Index Table of ContentsBeginner Topics for Creating/Editing PagesIntermediate Editing TopicsWiki Structures: Organizing and Protecting PagesPmWiki Site...
PmWiki /ChangeLog< Release notes | Documentation Index | Glossary >See the cookbook recent changes page for additional updates and activity by other developers, or join the PmWiki mailing lists to discuss feature development with us.Version 2.2.110 (2018-11-05)...
< InterMap | Documentation Index | Page variables >authors, admins (advanced)Using the (:if:) DirectiveThe (:if:) directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering. The generic forms of the (:if:) directive are(:if cond param:) body...
< Troubleshooting | Documentation Index | AuthUser >Table of contentsDefault actionsEnable diag actionsScript actionsCookbook actionsPage actions are applied to wiki pages, as a query string appended to the URL. Security can be applied to all default actions,...
Platforms /TaskFlowTask Flow1. What does the platform support in terms of study flow logic, instructions, debriefing, and early termination?PlatformSupports control of study flow logicProvides instructionsProvides debriefingSupports early terminationAmazon...