PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / PmWikiPhilosophy

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / PmWikiPhilosophyPmWiki /PmWikiPhilosophy< Mailing lists | Documentation Index | Design notes >This page describes some of the ideas that guide the design and implementation of PmWiki. Patrick Michaud doesn’t claim that...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / PathVariables

< Pagelist Variables | Variables | Security Variables >When dealing with file or path variables, one has to recognize the difference between working with URLs and files on disk. For example:The include() statements are used to include other files (on disk) into...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / Passwords

< Page history | Documentation Index | Categories >authorsTable of contentsProtect an individual pageProtect a group of pagesProtect the sitePmWiki has built-in support for password-protecting various areas of the wiki site. Authors generally want to be able to...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / PasswordsAdmin

< Notify | Documentation Index | Ref count >administrators (basic)PmWiki has built-in support for password-protecting various areas of the wiki site. Passwords can be applied to individual pages, to Wiki Groups, or to the entire wiki site. Note that the password...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / PagelistVariables

PmWiki /PagelistVariables< Other Variables | Variables | Path Variables >$EnablePageListProtectWhen set to 1 (which is the default), causes (:pagelist:) and (:searchresults:) to exclude listing any pages for which the browser does not currently have read...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / Page specific variables

< Conditional markup | Documentation Index | Page text variables >< Basic Variables | Variables | Page TextVariables >authors (intermediate)This page describes the "variables" that are associated with pages. Page variables have the form...