Examples using take-home / device-based platformsTake-home tablet-based study on vocabulary and speech-in-noise performance.The purpose of this study was to understand the role of receptive vocabulary in single-word speech-in-noise performance as a function of SNR and...
Brief Title: Piloting a speech-on-speech masking experiment using a MATLAB Web App Server.Questions of Interest: General testing of online experiments, specifically a co-located speech-on-speech masking task with varying levels of talker level predictability...
Recent Changes – Search: MainIssuesPlatformsExamplesResourcesFAQTask ForceExamplesTake-home examplesDownload examplesBrowser-based examplesOther examples View Edit History Print Examples / ExamplesHeaderTake-home examplesDownload examplesBrowser-based...
Examples /ExamplePartExamples using participant device / download-based platformsPART/BGC Science and Auditory TrainingPARThttps://braingamecenter.ucr.edu/games/p-a-r-t/We developed PART to allow clinicians and researchers to take high-quality auditory processing...
Examples using fully online / browser-based platformsUsing Amazon Mechanical Turk for a ‘One Shot’ Study: Famous speaker recognitionQuestions of Interest:Examining whether voice recognition relies on fundamental frequency (absolute pitch).Platform /...