Issues related to peer reviewWhat should the standard be for publishing remote research?There aren’t any hard and fast rules or boxes to check, just as there are no universal standards for in-person research. Experimental methods should be considered in the...
Issues in Data AnalysisElevated random errorIn the lab, we typically have a lot of control over what the testing environments are like. Subjects are usually seated comfortably in a sound booth with minimal auditory and visual distractions. In the same space, the...
This page presents a concatenated version of the "issues" pages hyperlinked throughout from the Issues page.Issues and Best PracticesShifting a laboratory-based study to one that employs a remote-testing approach, or designing a new remote study, requires...
Example text from approved IRBsThis document provides example of text from approved protocols for remote testing, in italics. Some IRBs invited temporary protocol modifications to accommodate the changing conditions associated with the COVID pandemic, whereas others...