Stimulus presentationAudio HardwareEarphones (see also Resources.Earphones )Commercially available headphones will vary in their frequency response and ability to isolate external sounds. For example,Apple earpodshave somewhat poor ability to reproduce frequencies...
Special PopulationsSpecial considerations may apply to specific populations of research participants, including children, elderly, people with sensory-impairment (e.g., hearing loss or low vision), users of hearing aid and cochlear implants, and patients experiencing...
Issues related to participants’ performance of the required tasksPotential effects of the testing contextWhen testing outside a sound booth it is important to consider both the cognitive and acoustic effects that the testing environment may have task...
Recent Changes – Search: MainIssuesPlatformsExamplesResourcesFAQTask ForceIssuesReasonsComplianceParticipantsStimulusResponseCalibrationTask PerformanceData HandlingData AnalysisPlatform ConsiderationsSpecial PopulationsPeer ReviewBest PracticesRelevant...
Issues /RecentChangesCalibration . . . May 26, 2021, at 10:15 PM by Sebastian Waz: Typo fixesParticipants . . . May 26, 2021, at 10:02 PM by Sebastian Waz: Typo fixStimulus . . . March 15, 2021, at 05:39 PM by Adam Bosen: Edited a link to my github repoIRBText . . ....