< InterMap | Documentation Index | Page variables >authors, admins (advanced)Using the (:if:) DirectiveThe (:if:) directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering. The generic forms of the (:if:) directive are(:if cond param:) body...
< Passwords | Documentation Index | Page lists >authors (intermediate)Purpose of categoriesCategories (also known as "tags") are a way to organize and find related pages. Categories are implemented by default in PmWiki, and in most wikis they...
< Basic editing | Documentation Index | Links >authors (basic)The first step to create a new page is to edit an existing page and add a link to the page you want to create.To link to your new page, you must choose a name for it. The best names describe the...
< Introduction | Documentation Index | Creating new pages >authors (basic)The pages on this site are wiki-based pages, which means that pages can be created and edited by multiple authors. To edit a page, click the Edit link that exists somewhere on the page,...