PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / DebugVariables

< Basic Variables | Variables | Edit Variables >$AbortFunctionA custom function name replacing the built-in Abort() function.$EnableDiag The following actions are available only if you set $EnableDiag = 1; in your configuration file. They can be used for...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / DeletingPages

< Page lists | Documentation Index | Installation >To delete a wiki page, edit the page, select (highlight) all text in the edit textarea, and replace it with the single worddeleteIt is a good idea to add a comment to the summary field explaining why you deleted...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / Drafts

PmWiki has the capability to stage draft versions of a page prior to them becoming "official". All of the draft pages end in "-Draft" by default (this can be changed by setting $DraftSuffix). Multiple interim edits to a page can be temporarily...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / ChangeLog

PmWiki /ChangeLog< Release notes | Documentation Index | Glossary >See the cookbook recent changes page for additional updates and activity by other developers, or join the PmWiki mailing lists to discuss feature development with us.Version 2.2.110 (2018-11-05)...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / CustomMarkup

< Security | Documentation Index | Custom wiki styles >administrators (intermediate)IntroductionPmWiki’s markup translation engine is handled by a set of rules; each rule searches for a specific pattern in the markup text and replaces it with some...