< Contributors | Documentation Index | PmWiki philosophy >There are several mailing lists available for PmWiki[ pmwiki-users ]This is a great resource where a very helpful group of people will answer questions and discuss PmWiki development. As of 2016, traffic...
< Page text variables | Documentation Index | Forms >authors (advanced)The {(…)} "expression markup" allows for a variety of string and formatting operations to be performed from within markup. Operations defined by this recipe include substr,...
< Access keys | Documentation Index | Include other pages >PmWiki uses a number of directives to specify page titles, descriptions, page keywords, and control the display of various components. Directive keywords are not case sensitive, e.g. Description,...
< I18n Variables | Variables | Link Variables >Variable substitutions in the skin template are all managed by the FmtPageName() function from pmwiki.php. Pmwiki variable substitutions available on pages are managed by the substitutions from stdmarkup.php or...
< Creating new pages | Documentation Index | Images >authors (basic)A key feature of wiki-based systems is the ease of creating hyperlinks (or short links) in the text of a document. PmWiki provides multiple mechanisms for creating such links.Links to other...