PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / SkinTemplates

< Skins | Documentation Index | Site Preferences >This page describes the skin template files (.tmpl) that are used to create PmWiki skins, and how PmWiki uses them. As described in the skins page, a skin is a collection of files that specifies the layout for...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / SitePageActions

authors (basic)The Site.PageActions page is used as the source of the default wiki commands shown in the default PmWiki skin at the top right of the page. It displays as follows:Note that there are many other available actions from the Cookbook, and PmWiki diagnostics...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / SimultaneousEdits

< Forms | Documentation Index | Wiki structure >PmWiki has support for handling the case where multiple authors attempt to edit the same page nearly simultaneously. Here’s the basic scenario for systems where simultaneous edits are not handled:Alice starts...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / SitePreferences

< Skin templates | Documentation Index | Web feeds >The page Site.Preferences contains customisable browser preference settings. These include access keys (keyboard shortcuts to certain actions like edit, history, browse) and settings of the Site.EditForm (width...

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / SecurityVariables

PP Remote Testing Wiki | PmWiki / SecurityVariablesPmWiki /SecurityVariables< Path Variables | Variables | Upload Variables >$AllowPasswordThis variable contains the special "nopass" password which was used in the past to leave pages or groups...